(013) 243 4776 sekrm@cmroos.co.za

A warm welcome to you. As we reach the middle of the winter we realize we are halfway through the year. 

The main question everybody is thinking about is: “Where did the time go?”…And so a few highlights pop up.  One of my most memorable moments was where I was privileged enough to share in the joy of a remarkable woman as her dream came true on the 26th of May 2012.

This is a true story of hope and one of the many that we have through the positive outcome of projects that the CMR have.

Mrs. Martha Rankwe has been an entrepreneur at one of our projects for more than a decade. Through her beadwork she went to Germany in 2002 and has been on TV quite a few times.  She has also bought herself a small car through savings from her earnings. She is illiterate but hasn’t let it stop her at all.  She works carefully with her money and set targets for herself & so through careful planning and God’s grace her biggest dream came true.

On the 26th of May 2012 she had her “White Wedding” at the Zion Apostolic Swazi Church in Mhluzi.  It was their 30th wedding anniversary and she could finally have her big wedding.  Looking like a true queen she entered the Church and everybody was filled with joy.  Her husband Mr. Zondi was accompanied by his mother and Mam Rankwe was brought into the church by her father. Four generations took part in this special day.

Mini Explorers Nursery School helping CMR Middelburg

Mini Explorers Nursery School had a “Silly Dress Up Day” where each child had to wear something of Daddy, Mommy, brother, sister or baby to look funny.  Their charity event was called: “Clean House”. Through this they encouraged each family do to some spring cleaning  at home and to bring anything that they don’t use or want any more with; for example clothes, shoes, bedding, blankets, curtains, ornaments and towels.  Through this they received bags full of goods and this all was donated to CMR Middelburg.
~25 May 2012